2022年 FY2022



  • Pan Y, Song Q, Kanazawa T, Morimatsu H.
    Correlation between Mean Arterial Pressure and Regional Cerebral Oxygen Saturation on Cardiopulmonary Bypass in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery. Acta Med Okayama 76(5): 557-564.
  • Abugri BO, Matsusaki T, Ren W and Morimatsu H
    Intraoperative Hypothermia Is Not Associated with Surgical Site Infections after Total Hip or Knee Arthroplasty. Acta Med Okayama 76(6): 651-660.
  • Uchida K, Nishida O, Morimatsu H, Goto T, Oda Y, Asai T
    Reviewing COVID-19 from an anesthesiologist’s perspective in 2022: JA symposium. J Anesth: 1-4.
  • Okahara S, Snell G. I, Levvey B. J, McDonald M, D’Costa R, Opdam H, Pilcher D. V.
    A prediction model to determine the untapped lung donor pool outside of the DonateLife network in Victoria. Anaesth Intensive Care 50(5):380-387.
  • Nakatsuka K, Matsuoka Y, Kurita M, Wang R, Tsuboi C, Sue N, Kaku R, Morimatsu H
    Intrathecal Administration of the α1 Adrenergic Antagonist Phentolamine Upregulates Spinal GLT-1 and Improves Mirror Image Pain in SNI Model Rats. Acta Med Okayama. 2022;76(3):255-263
  • Mizobuchi Y, Miyano K, Manabe S, Uezono E, Komatsu A, Kuroda Y, Nonaka M, Matsuoka Y, Sato T, Uezono Y, Morimatsu H
    Ketamine Improves Desensitization of µ-Opioid Receptors Induced by Repeated Treatment with Fentanyl but Not with Morphine Biomolecules 2022 Mar 10;12(3):426.
  • Hosoya T, Yonezawa H, Matsuoka A, Ohno M, Miyakita Y, Takahashi M, Yanagisawa S, Tamura Y, Kikuchi M, Nakano T, Oishi Y, Manabe S, Sato T, Narita Y
    Combination of asleep and awake craniotomy as a novel strategy for resection in patients with butterfly glioblastoma: Two case reports Surg Neurol Int. 2022 Oct 28;13:492.
  • Fu J, Kosaka J, Morimatsu H
    Impact of Different KDIGO Criteria on Clinical Outcomes for Early Identification of Acute Kidney Injury after Non-Cardiac Surgery. J Clin Med 11(19).
  • Fushimi M, Takeda Y, Mizoue R, Sato S, Kawase H, Takasugi Y, Murai S, Morimatsu H
    Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation May Not Stop Glutamate Release in the Cerebral Cortex. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol.
  • Ishii K, Kuroda K, Tokura C, Michida M, Sugimoto K, Sato T, Ishikawa T, Hagioka S, Manabe N, Kurasako T, Goto T, Kimura M, Sunami K, Inoue K, Tsukiji T, Yasukawa T, Nogami S, Tsukioki M, Okabe D, Tanino M, Morimatsu H
    Current status of delirium assessment tools in the intensive care unit: a prospective multicenter observational survey. Sci Rep 12(1): 2185.
  • Matsumoto S, Omiya H, Fujinaka W, Morimatsu H
    Association between intraoperative hyperglycemia and postoperative end-organ dysfunctions after cardiac surgery: a retrospective observational study. J Anesth 36(2): 174-184.
  • Matsumoto S, Omiya H, Fujinaka W, Morimatsu H
    Correction to: Association between intraoperative hyperglycemia and postoperative end-organ dysfunctions after cardiac surgery: a retrospective observational study. J Anesth 36(2): 185.
  • Mizobuchi Y, Miyano K, Manabe S, Uezono E, Komatsu A, Kuroda Y, Nonaka M, Matsuoka Y, Sato T, Uezono Y, Morimatsu H
    Ketamine Improves Desensitization of micro-Opioid Receptors Induced by Repeated Treatment with Fentanyl but Not with Morphine. Biomolecules 12(3).
  • Murai S, Hishikawa T, Takeda Y, Okura Y, Fushimi M, Kawase H, Takahashi Y, Kidani N, Haruma J, Hiramatsu M, Sugiu K, Morimatsu H, Date I
    Depolarization time and extracellular glutamate levels aggravate ultraearly brain injury after subarachnoid hemorrhage. Sci Rep 12(1): 10256.
  • Nakatsuka K, Matsuoka Y, Kurita M, Wang R, Tsuboi C, Sue N, Kaku R, Morimatsu H
    Intrathecal Administration of the alpha1 Adrenergic Antagonist Phentolamine Upregulates Spinal GLT-1 and Improves Mirror Image Pain in SNI Model Rats. Acta Med Okayama 76(3): 255-263.
  • Ohtani S, Shimizu H, Yamaoka M, Takahashi T, Omori E, Morimatsu H
    Protective effect of tin chloride on rhabdomyolysis-induced acute kidney injury in rats. PLoS One 17(3): e0265512.
  • Oiwa M, Kuroda K, Kawanoue N, Morimatsu H
    Histidine-rich glycoprotein as a novel predictive biomarker of postoperative complications in intensive care unit patients: a prospective observational study. BMC Anesthesiol 22(1): 232.
  • Ren W, Matsusaki T, A. Osman Bright, Morimatsu H
    Association between the Remifentanil Dose during Anesthesia and Postoperative pain. Acta Med Okayama 76(2): 187-193.
  • Tanaka A, Kabata D, Hirao O, Kosaka J, Furushima N, Maki Y, Uchiyama A, Egi M, Shintani A, Morimatsu H, Mizobuchi S, Kotake Y, Fujino Y
    Prediction Model of Extubation Outcomes in Critically Ill Patients: A Multicenter Prospective Cohort Study. J Clin Med 11(9).
  • Yamanaka-Kohno R, Shirakawa Y, Yokoi A, Inoue-Minakuchi M, Kobayashi M, Noma K, Morita M, Kuboki T, Morimatsu H, Soga Y
    Patients scheduled to undergo esophageal surgery should have the highest priority for perioperative oral management triage: a cross-sectional study. Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 70(4): 378-385.
  • Yasutomi N, Shimizu T, Kanazawa T, Shimizu K, Iwasaki T, Morimatsu H
    Temporary hypotension and ventilation difficulty during endoscopic injection sclerotherapy for esophageal varices in a child with Fontan circulation: a case report. JA Clin Rep 8(1): 48.


原著論文 / 症例報告

  • 申木蓮, 松崎孝, 片山明, 賀来隆治, 森松博史
    遺伝性出血性末梢血管拡張症に対する脳死肝移植の周術期管理の1症例. 麻酔 71(11): 1211-1214. 2022.11
  • 大村浩之, 金澤伴幸, 小野大輔, 賀来隆治, 日高秀邦, 小野和身, 森松博史
    硬膜外麻酔により持続的な下肢運動麻痺,感覚障害を生じた1症例. 麻酔 71(10): 1112-1115. 2022.10
  • 吉田翼、後藤隆司、米澤みほこ、藤中和三、鷹取誠
    弓部大動脈置換術後吻合部仮性瘤の左気管支穿破に対してステントグラフト内挿術後,後天性第Ⅴ因子欠乏症の発症が疑われた1例. 日本集中治療医学会雑誌、29(1):p23-26
  • 山崎友輔, 中村 龍, 溝渕有助, 清水一好, 森松博史
    全身麻酔下脊椎固定術後に奇異性声帯運動を認めた1症例. 麻酔 71(5): 524-528.
  • 照屋洋武, 松岡義和, 角森雅樹, 西本れい, 谷口 新, 森松博史
    肺切除術中の気管支出血 肺静脈閉塞に伴う区域性肺うっ血から持続的な肺胞出血を来した1症例. 麻酔 71(1): 82-86.
  • 佐藤航貴, 松崎 孝, 佐倉考信, 森松博史
    インヒビター保有血友病A患者に対する肝切除術後に出血を来した1症例. 麻酔 71(6): 623-626.


  • 片山明
    【TTEを使いこなそう】術前評価におけるTTE活用法 適切なTTE評価で安全な周術期管理を目指す. LISA, 29(10):950-955.
  • 森松博史
    移植手術の麻酔. 麻酔科学レビュー 2022: 243-246.
  • 森松博史
    電解質管理. 集中治療医学レビュー 2022-’23: 62-67.

解説 / 特集

  • 松岡勇斗, 金澤伴幸, 森松博史
    【一般の麻酔科医が知っておくべき産科麻酔の知識】無痛分娩. 臨床麻酔 46(9): 1153-1158. 2022.9
  • 森松博史
    【麻酔における臓器障害への対策(2)-研究から学ぶ臓器保護】輸液による臓器保護 その輸液,グリコカリックスを痛めていませんか? LiSA 29(8): 778-782.
  • 吉田 翼, 松岡義和, 森松博史
    【周術期における免疫学:基礎と臨床】周術期管理における免疫関連薬剤. 麻酔 71(9): 976-979.


  • 岡原修司,森松博史
    臨床麻酔科書 移植外科の麻酔 肺移植手術の麻酔, 分担, 川真田樹人編他, 中山書店, p 569-571.
  • 吉田翼、松岡義和、森松博史
    【周術期における免疫学:基礎と臨床】周術期管理における免疫関連薬剤 麻酔第71巻第9号(2022年9月)、分担、川真田樹人、克誠堂出版株式会社、p976-979
  • 吉田翼、岩崎達雄
    術後悪心・嘔吐(PONV)に対するオンダンセトロンとグラニセトロンの使用に関して 臨床麻酔Vol.46/No.6(2022-6)、単独、真興交易㈱医書出版部、p837-840