2018年 FY2018



  • Okahara S, Shimizu K, Suzuki S, Ishii K, Morimatsu H
    Associations between intraoperative ventilator settings during one-lung ventilation and postoperative pulmonary complications: a prospective observational study BMC Anesthesiol 2018, 18(1):13.
  • Lankadeva YR, Kosaka J, Evans RG, Bellomo R, May CN
    Urinary Oxygenation as a Surrogate Measure of Medullary Oxygenation During Angiotensin II Therapy in Septic Acute Kidney Injury Crit Care Med 2018.46(1):41-48
  • Iguchi N, Kosaka J, Bertolin J, May CN, Lankadeva YR, Bellomo R
    Differential effects of isotonic and hypotonic 4% albumin solution on intracranial pressure and renal perfusion and function. Crit Care Resusc 2018.20(1):48-53
  • Lankadeva YR, Evans RG, Kosaka J, Booth LC, Iguchi N, Bellomo R, May CN
    Alterations in regional kidney oxygenation during expansion of extracellular fluid volume in conscious healthy sheep. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 2018.315(24):R1242-R1250
  • Lankadeva YR, Kosaka J, Evans RG, May CN
    An ovine model for studying the pathophysiology of septic acute kidney injury Methods Mol Biol 2018.1717:207-218
  • Suzuki S, Mihara Y, Hikasa Y, Okahara S, Ishihara T, Shintani A, Morimatsu H, Sato A, Kusume S, Hidaka H,Yatsuzuka H,Okawa M. Takatori M. Saeki S. Samuta T. Tokioka H. Kurasako T. Maeda M. Takeuchi M. Hirasaki A. Kitaura M, Kajiki H. Kobayashi O. Katayama H. Nakatsuka H. Mizobuchi S. Sugimoto S. Yokoyama M. Kusudo K. Shiraishi K. Iwaki T. Komatsu T. Hirai Y. Sato T. Kimura M. Yasukawa T. Kimura M. Taniguchi M. Shimoda Y. Kobayashi Y. Tsukioki M. Manabe N. Ando E. Kosaka M. Tsukiji T. Tokura C. Asao Y. Sugiyama M, Seto K.Okayama Research Investigation Organizing Network, investigators
    Current Ventilator and Oxygen Management during General Anesthesia: A Multicenter, Cross-sectional Observational Study Anesthesiology 2018, 129(1):67-76.
  • Kuroda K, Wake H, Mori S, Hinotsu S, Nishibori M, Morimatsu H
    Decrease in Histidine-Rich Glycoprotein as a Novel Biomarker to Predict Sepsis Among Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome Crit Care Med 2018, 46(4):570-576.
  • Sato S, Takeda Y, Mizoue R, Kawase H, Fushimi M, Shimizu T, Morimatsu H
    Determination of the Target Temperature Required to Block Increases in Extracellular Glutamate Levels During Intraischemic Hypothermia Ther Hypothermia Temp Manag 2018, 8(2):83-89.
  • Toda H, Nakamura K, Nakagawa K, Watanabe A, Miyoshi T, Nishii N, Shimizu K, Hayashi M, Morita H, Morimatsu H, Ito H
    Diastolic Dysfunction Is a Risk of Perioperative Myocardial Injury Assessed by High-Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin T in Elderly Patients Undergoing Non-Cardiac Surgery Circ J 2018, 82(3):775-782.
  • Kimura S, Iwasaki T, Oe K, Shimizu K, Suemori T, Kanazawa T, Shioji N, Kuroe Y, Matsuoka Y, Morimatsu H
    High Ionized Calcium Concentration Is Associated With Prolonged Length of Stay in the Intensive Care Unit for Postoperative Pediatric Cardiac Patients J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 2018, 32(4):1667-1675.
  • Nishibori M, Wake H, Morimatsu H
    Histidine-rich glycoprotein as an excellent biomarker for sepsis and beyond Crit Care 2018, 22(1):209.
  • Vika Fatafehi Hala’ufia L, Sugimoto K, Kanazawa T, Matsusaki T, Morimatsu H
    The Incidence of Desaturation during Anesthesia in Adult and Pediatric Patients: A Retrospective Study Acta Med Okayama 2018, 72(5):467-478.
  • Shioji N, Kanazawa T, Iwasaki T, Shimizu K, Suemori T, Kawase H, Kimura S, Kuroe Y, Morimatsu H
    Incidence of Pulmonary Complications with the Prophylactic Use of High-flow Nasal Cannula after Pediatric Cardiac Surgery: Prophylactic HFNC Study Protocol. Acta Med Okayama 2018, 72(2):193-196.
  • Nakamura M, Fujii N, Shimizu K, Ikegawa S, Seike K, Inomata T, Sando Y, Fujii K, Nishimori H, Matsuoka K, Morimatsu H, Maeda Y
    Long-term outcomes in patients treated in the intensive care unit after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Int J Hematol 2018, 108(6):622-629.
  • Nishie H, Tetsunaga T, Kanzaki H, Oda K, Inoue S, Ryuo Y, Ota H, Miyawaki T, Arakawa K, Tetsunaga T, Kitamura Y, Sendo T, Morimatsu H, Ozaki T, Nishida K
    A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Management of Chronic Pain through a Self-managed Behavioral Exercise Program : A Pilot Study in Japan. Acta Med Okayama 2018, 72(4):343-350.
  • Shimizu T, Hishikawa T, Nishihiro S, Shinji Y, Takasugi Y, Haruma J, Hiramatsu M, Kawase H, Sato S, Mizoue R, Sugiu K, Takeda Y, Morimatsu H, Date I
    NADH fluorescence imaging and the histological impact of cortical spreading depolarization during the acute phase of subarachnoid hemorrhage in rats. J Neurosurg 2018, 128(1):137-143.
  • Mizuno H, Mizutani S, Ekuni D, Tabata-Taniguchi A, Maruyama T, Yokoi A, Omori C, Shimizu K, Morimatsu H, Shirakawa Y, Morita M
    New oral hygiene care regimen reduces postoperative oral bacteria count and number of days with elevated fever in ICU patients with esophageal cancer. J Oral Sci 2018, 60(4):536-543.
  • Kurita M, Matsuoka Y, Nakatsuka K, Ono D, Muto N, Kaku R, Morimatsu H
    Norepinephrine-induced downregulation of GLT-1 mRNA in rat astrocytes. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2018, 504(1):103-108.
  • Arakawa K, Kaku R, Kurita M, Matsuoka Y, Morimatsu H
    Prolonged-duration pulsed radiofrequency is associated with increased neuronal damage without further antiallodynic effects in neuropathic pain model rats. J Pain Res 2018, 11:2645-2651.
  • Muto N, Matsuoka Y, Arakawa K, Kurita M, Omiya H, Taniguchi A, Kaku R, Morimatsu H
    Quercetin Attenuates Neuropathic Pain in Rats with Spared Nerve Injury. Acta Med Okayama 2018, 72(5):457-465.
  • Kikuchi S, Kuroda S, Nishizaki M, Matsusaki T, Mitsuhashi T, Kuwada K, Kagawa S, Morimatsu H, Fujiwara T
    Randomized Controlled Trial of Epidural versus Patient-controlled Intravenous Analgesia for Postoperative PainControl after Laparoscopic Gastrectomy. Acta Med Okayama 2018, 72(1):95-98.
  • Saragai Y, Takaki A, Umeda Y, Matsusaki T, Yasunaka T, Oyama A, Kaku R, Nakamura K, Yoshida R, Nobuoka D, Kuise T. Takagi K. Adachi T. Wada N. Takeuchi Y. Koike K. Ikeda F. Onishi H. Shiraha H. Nakamura S. Morimatsu H. Ito H. Fujiwara T. Yagi T. Okada H
    A subclinical high tricuspid regurgitation pressure gradient independent of the mean pulmonary artery pressure is a risk factor for the survival after living donor liver transplantation. BMC Gastroenterol 2018, 18(1):62.
  • Kimura S, Shabsigh M, Morimatsu H
    Traditional approach versus Stewart approach for acid-base disorders: Inconsistent evidence. SAGE Open Med 2018, 6:2050312118801255.


  • Yoshida T, Shimizu K, Suzuki S, Matsuoka Y, Morimatsu H
    Perioperative Management of a Child With Glucose Transporter Type 1 Deficiency Syndrome: A Case Report. A A Pract 2018, 11(2):35-37.



  • 岡久雄, 岸本俊夫, 木村聡, 川瀬宏和, 岩崎達雄, 青木梨奈, 有路未彩, 鴨川晴香, 森松博史
    刺激神経の選択が可能な筋弛緩モニターの開発 バイオメカニズム学術講演会予稿集 2018, 39回:48-51.

原著論文 / 症例報告

  • 吹田晃享, 清水一好, 金澤伴幸, 松岡義和, 森松博史
    胸腺腫摘出術後の抜管時に冠動脈攣縮から心停止に至った1例 日本臨床麻酔学会誌 2018, 38(2):142-147.
  • 岡崎結里子, 谷西秀記, 吉田翼, 荒木元朗, 森松博史
    国内初となるロボット支援完全腹腔鏡下自家腎移植手術の麻酔経験 麻酔 2018, 67(8):862-865.


  • 金澤伴幸, 岩崎達雄, 清水一好, 末盛智彦, 森松博史
    小児の麻酔中における人工呼吸器設定 日本臨床麻酔学会誌 2018, 38(2):250-255.
  • 塩路直弘, 岩崎達雄, 清水一好, 金澤伴幸, 川瀬宏和, 木村聡, 黒江泰利, 佐藤明, 森松博史, 大月憲一, 笠原慎吾
    小児心臓手術後の Nasal high flow therapy の現在と将来への展望 Cardiovascular Anesthesia 2018, 22(1):45-48.
  • 岡原修司, 清水一好
    呼吸・循環不全リスクが高い症例に対しては体外式模型人工心肺を選択 LiSA 2018.25(9):937-939
  • 岡原修司, 清水一好, 塩路直弘, 森松博史
    【周術期の呼吸管理】 術後合併症ハイリスク患者の周術期呼吸管理 麻酔 2018, 67(5):511-517.

解説 / 特集

  • 日笠友起子, 鈴木聡, 森松博史
    【いま見直しておきたい!術後イベントの薬学的管理 実践ポイント】 術後管理の基礎知識 薬事 2018, 60(9):1603-1607.
  • 森松博史
    【エキスパートに学ぶ Sepsis 敗血症バンドル】 実践編 敗血症の管理ポイント バイタルサインのモニタリング 救急・集中治療 2018, 30(5):719-722.


  • 森松博史
    移植手術の麻酔 麻酔科学レビュー 2018, 2018:230-233.
  • 鈴木 聡
    酸素療法 高濃度酸素の弊害 INTENSIVIST 2018、10(2):353-363


  • 森松博史
    動脈血液ガス分析(血ガス)の見方を教えて下さい。(研修 8ヵ月) 岡山医学会雑誌 2018, 130(2):79-80.


  • 谷西秀紀
    Chapter 4:上腹部手術 術式対応わがまま術後鎮痛マニュアル 2018:41-56
  • 清水一好, 森松博史
    【重症患者における急性肝不全・急性腎傷害・代謝異常】 AKIに対する血液浄化療法の開始と中止 救急・集中治療アドバンス 2018.:142-151
  • 小坂順子, 森松博史
    【重症患者における急性肝不全・急性腎傷害・代謝異常】AKIに対する血管作動薬の効果 救急・集中治療アドバンス 2018:188-195
  • 木村 聡, 森松博史
    【重症患者における急性肝不全・急性腎不全・代謝異常】 救急・集中治療アドバンス. 分担 森松編 中山書店 東京: